Happy International Women’s Day from ETEA!

Dear Members,

The ETEA Status of Women Committee would like to remind you of International Women’s Day on March 8th. 

A time to celebrate the social, cultural, economic and political triumphs of women everywhere. A day to reflect on and discuss the continuing struggle for gender equity, and the ongoing campaign toward ending violence against women, both globally and locally. A day to praise the women and girls who surround, nurture and inspire us. And finally, a day for each of us, as caring people, to consider what we can do personally to continue to improve the status of women.

We encourage you to recognize the importance of this day in your classroom and your workplace.

Also, a reminder that in celebration of this day, we are holding a toonie drive for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre. Find a shop steward if you would like to make a small donation today.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Sincerely, and in Solidarity,

ETEA Status of Women Committee